Asian Cuisine
Asian cuisine from the Netherlands
The Asian cuisine from the Netherlands is something different from the real Asian cuisine. Would you like a mix of both or would you like to eat a dish that you liked to eat in the Netherlands? Then you can order your ingredients of Asian cuisine from the Netherlands at Dutch Expat Shop. From nasi sauce to Asian marinade, fried onions and Javanese marinade, you will find it within our extensive range. Take a look on our webshop and make your choice online. We ship your favorites worldwide!
- Conimex Tjap tjoy mix€ 2.59 € 2.38
- Conimex Sweet chilli wok sauce€ 3.91 € 3.59
- Conimex Hoisin wok sauce€ 3.85 € 3.53
- Conimex Ketjap manis gold€ 5.22 € 4.79
- Conimex 5 Spices wok sauce€ 3.85 € 3.53
- Conimex Ajam curry madras mix€ 2.71 € 2.49
- Conimex Ginger syrup wok sauce€ 3.85 € 3.53
- Conimex Wholemeal flower and wheat noodles€ 4.91 € 4.50
- Conimex Nasi seasoning mix€ 1.82 € 1.67
- Conimex Mild peanut sauce ready in a minute€ 4.23 € 3.88
- Conimex Oriental wok oil€ 5.97 € 5.48
- Conimex Nasi goreng meal mix€ 1.92 € 1.76
- Conimex Tom kha kai soup€ 5.41 € 4.96
- Conimex Mild Javanese peanut satay sauce€ 5.18 € 4.75
- Conimex Red curry soup€ 5.41 € 4.96
- Conimex Bami seasoning mix€ 1.80 € 1.65
- Conimex Nasi mix€ 1.84 € 1.69
- Conimex Wok noodles€ 3.00 € 2.75
- Conimex Boemboo Javanese beans€ 2.93 € 2.69
- Conimex Boemboo green curry€ 3.87 € 3.55
- Conimex Nasi special mix€ 2.50 € 2.29
- Conimex Djintan spices€ 3.59 € 3.29
- Conimex Djahe spices€ 3.37 € 3.09
- Conimex Ketoembar spices€ 3.37 € 3.09
- Conimex Lemongrass chilli wok sauce€ 3.91 € 3.59
- Conimex Ketjap manis premium€ 6.81 € 6.25
- Blue Elephant Thai yellow curry paste€ 5.05 € 4.63
- Blue Elephant Thai red curry paste€ 5.05 € 4.63
- Blue Elephant Thai green curry paste€ 5.05 € 4.63
- Blue Elephant Phad Thai noodles meal kit€ 7.88 € 7.23
- Blue Elephant Oyster sauce€ 5.29 € 4.85
- Blue Elephant Thai massaman curry paste€ 5.05 € 4.63
- Blue Elephant Fish sauce€ 5.29 € 4.85
- Blue Elephant Tom kha soup meal kit€ 7.64 € 7.01
- Blue Elephant Soy sauce€ 5.29 € 4.85
- Euroma Curry madras by Jonnie Boer€ 6.78 € 6.22
- Euroma Garam masala by Jonnie Boer€ 6.78 € 6.22
- Euroma Chinese 5 spices by Jonnie Boer€ 6.78 € 6.22
- Euroma Thai green curry by Jonnie Boer€ 6.78 € 6.22
- Euroma Bami nasi spices€ 5.53 € 5.07
- Sum & Sam Mix v. satesaus€ 2.06 € 1.89
- Uncle Ben's Sweet sour sauce€ 6.05 € 5.55
- Uncle Ben's Express rice the Mediterranean way€ 4.80 € 4.40
- Uncle Ben's Express long grain rice€ 4.47 € 4.10
Assortment at Dutch Expat Shop
Within our wide range you will find various products of the Asian cuisine from the Netherlands. Think for example of brands such as Flowerbrand, Faja, Conimex and Kikkoman. With these Asian products from well-known brands in the Netherlands, you can prepare your favourite dishes, wherever you are in the world. So feel free to prepare your favourite dinner with the familiar nasi sauce from Amoy or eat Go-Tan prawn crackers with a rice dish. You will find these products and many other products of the Asian cuisine from the Netherlands within our range. You can’t think of it or you’ll find it at Dutch Expat Shop. Look at our products and find all your favorites!
Online benefits
The benefits of shopping at Dutch Expat Shop? Our assortment is very broad. We have no less than 25,000 Dutch and Belgian products from more than 2,000 well-known brands. This means we also have your favorites of Asian cuisine from the Netherlands. We supply our products all over the world. Order your favorites from home easily online and we will deliver them to your home as soon as possible, wherever in the world you may live. So after ordering you can quickly enjoy your familiar nasi sauce or an Asian marinade again.
Buy Asian spices online
Look at our assortment with Asian products from the Netherlands and make your choice, you can easily order the desired products online. Do you still have questions about the nasi sauce or would you like to know more about our assortment? Feel free to contact our customer service. They can tell you much more about our products and service and will answer all your questions.