
Lindt Creation ballotin pralines

Number of packages maximum 2 kg
Special Price € 11.02 € 10.11 Regular Price € 12.24
In stock
  • Brand: Lindt
  • Description: Lindt Creation ballotin pralines (200 gram)
  • Reference: 1252-0009
  • Shipping Weight: 250 gram
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In­gre­dients: su­gar, co­coa but­ter, co­coa mass, MILK pow­der, an­hy­dro­us MILK fat, LAC­TOSE, HA­ZEL­NUTS pra­li­né, (HA­ZEL­NUTS, su­gar), 3%, in­vert su­gar, glu­co­se sy­rup, ve­ge­ta­ble fats (palm, co­conut), HA­ZEL­NUTS 1%, WAL­NUTS 1% wa­fer (WHEAT flour, su­gar, an­hy­dro­us MILK fat, skim­med MILK pow­der, emul­si­fier (ra­pes­eed le­ci­thin)) 0,9%, skim­med MILK pow­der, fat-re­du­ced co­coa, emul­si­fier (SOYA le­ci­thin), bis­cuits crumbs (WHEAT flour, ve­ge­ta­ble fat (co­conut, sun­flo­wer) su­gar, glu­co­se sy­rup, MILK pro­tein, rai­sing agents (am­mo­ni­um and so­di­um bi­car­bo­na­tes)), 0,3%, mil­ky me­rin­gue (su­gar, WHEAT starch, MILK pro­teins), 0,2%, CREAM pow­der, cris­ped ce­reals (WHEAT flour, su­gar, WHEAT malt, emul­si­fier (ra­pes­eed le­ci­thin), rai­sing agent (so­di­um bi­car­bo­na­te)), flavou­rings, MAS­CAR­PO­NE (MILK), BAR­LEY malt ex­tract, cof­fee na­tu­ral flavour, na­tu­ral va­nil­la flavou­ring, flavou­ring (va­nil­lin), salt, na­tu­ral flavours, gla­zing agent (gum ara­bic), MILK pro­tein, sta­bi­li­ser (diso­di­um phosp­ha­te), co­lour (pa­pri­ka ex­tract). May con­tain EGG and other NUTS. Milk cho­co­la­te con­tains: co­coa so­lids: 30% min., milk so­lids: 20%. Dark cho­co­la­te con­tains: co­coa so­lids: 44% min. Whi­te cho­co­la­te con­tains: co­coa so­lids 30%.

Nutrition facts

Deze waarden gelden voor het onbereide product.

Per 100 Gram.
Energie 2322 kJ (557 kcal)
Vet 35 g
Waarvan verzadigd 20 g
Koolhydraten 53 g
Waarvan suikers 49 g
Eiwitten 4.6 g
Zout 0.15 g